Our hospitality ministry is vital to all we do. Hospitality includes a variety of positions including greeter and security. If hospitality is a ministry you are passionate about, we would love to have you join our team.

Congregational Care
Congregational care is the work of the whole faith community. Our Congregational Care team is a dedicated group of people prepared to visit the sick and homebound in our community.
If you are interested in serving on our congregational care team, please let us know.
Technology Team
Our technology team is an essential part of worship. This vital group of people work to make sure worship goes smoothly and we are able to share our service with those in our community through live-streaming.
With a little training, you can join our team too. If you are interested, please let us know.
Music Ministry
First UMC of Warren has a rich history of worshiping God through music. September through May, the Sanctuary Choir enhances worship each week with a special anthem. We also have a wonderful bell choir that rings approximately once each month and an Instrumental Ensemble that plays on the 2nd Sunday of the month. The Praise Team helps lead congregational singing each week. All members are volunteers and all ensembles are open to new members. There are no auditions.
Contact Twylia Voshol, music director, if you are interested in joining any of our music groups.